October 12, 2023

ZigiOps Web Poller

Transfer and read data in minutes from custom systems with the ZigiOps

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Custom API integrations hold a pivotal role in today's business landscape for several compelling reasons. Tailored to an organization's unique needs, they seamlessly automate data transfer and communication between systems, leading to enhanced operational efficiency and reduced manual tasks.

These integrations ensure data accuracy, a competitive edge through proprietary functionalities, scalability for evolving business requirements, and interoperability among systems with varying technologies. Additionally, they prioritize data security and compliance, offering real-time insights, improving the customer experience, and ultimately contributing to cost efficiency. In a digital era, custom API integrations empower organizations to optimize processes, make informed decisions swiftly, and deliver exceptional customer experiences

Why choose the ZigiOps Web poller for integrations?  

Choosing a ZigiOps Web poller for your company's in-house built integrations provides several advantages. Custom APIs enable real-time data synchronization, customization, and flexibility, making them ideal for integrating with legacy systems. They minimize the impact on source systems, offer robust error handling, and operate independently, reducing reliance on external services. Scalability, security, and cost-effectiveness are additional benefits while maintaining custom integration control is a key advantage.

Additionally, the possible usage of a ZigiOps Web poller helps with the consolidation of data from multiple sources, offers scheduled processing for efficient resource utilization, and reduces data transfer latency. Yet, to harness its full potential, there must be a successful integration between it and your custom-made systems. This will eradicate the possibility of unintentional mistakes that may occur in the process of connecting them.

Any bottlenecks or data silos will be prevented. The same goes for data duplication. Messed-up data always affects both clients and responsible company departments leading to cracks in the client-business relationship and a significant drop in CSATs.

Using a ZigiOps Web poller could be the answer to a tool that perfectly fits the business needs in terms of security, reliability, and easiness of use. When the right data comes to the right people at the right time, companies thrive.

The ZigiOps Web poller aims to provide this.

If your company needs to connect its internal/custom systems with other platforms, feel free to fill out the form. Our team can help you integrate various commercial systems and connectors that are not listed in our portfolio.

What is the ZigiOps Web poller?  

ZigiOps newest addition, the Web poller, helps businesses with custom-built systems to transfer data to and from another integrated system quickly. Without any effort, the ZigiOps Web poller instantly establishes a secure connection with any kind of internally built system and the rest of the systems embedded in the enterprise's IT infrastructure.

As a result, businesses can precisely choose what data to be fetched by the Web poller and enter any other system (like Jira, ServiceNow, Salesforce, Azure DevOps, Zendesk, or any other that ZigiOps currently supports).

Complying with the latest data security standards, the ZigiOps Web poller does not maintain a database, thus none of the transferred data is stored.

You can check out all of the systems we currently support here

For current ZigiOps customers, the Web poller is available in the platform's system menu.




What custom systems does the ZigiOps Web poller support?  

One of the most prominent features of the ZigiOpsWeb poller is its ability to read and send any type of data format it receives from the companys custom-made system. Any XLM or JSON, the Web poller can process it successfully. It builds up the schema by the data format received from the source system (the internally made one).

The ZigiOps Web poller intuitively connects from the simplest custom business system to the most sophisticated one. It also effortlessly connects it with popular and not-so-popular tools available on the market.

Overall, it is a general solution to various integration use case scenarios.

How does the ZigiOps Web poller help?  

The ZigiOps Web poller can connect a wide range of internal and custom systems. As a result, users easily make integrations using the user-friendly and unique ZigiOps approach towards system integration.

With the ZigiOps Web poller, you can easily

  • Establish connections with any system you require, facilitating the seamless dataflow throughout your organization.
  • Effortlessly synchronize data from custom systems, ensuring they no longer hinder your operations.
  • Foster enhanced teamwork and collaboration by providing real-time access to critical data for each team, eliminating the need for manual data transfers.
  • Drive operational efficiency to new heights by automating a wide range of tasks and simplifying workflows for teams across your organization.
  • Harness the power of automated internal workflows, optimizing processes, and dismantling silos and bottlenecks.
  • Expedite issue resolution with instant access to data where and when needed, resulting in faster problem-solving

Most common use case scenarios with the ZigiOps Web poller

A universal integration solution like the ZigiOps Web poller has a wide range of capabilities. It covers various integration scenarios that require the help of a scalable and secure tool. Custom, internal, and even commercial systems are easily unified so that businesses transfer data between them. No additional scripting or add-ons are needed.

As a part of the ZigiOps tool, the Web poller adopts the no-code platform innovative approach towards system integration simple to use, with attention to detail.

If you want to see how our solution can help you integrate your systems, do not hesitate to book a demo with our tech team.

Use case scenarios:

  1. Example

Web poller Use Case Examples:

Scenario 1: A manufacturing company utilizes a custom Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to manage its product inventory, order processing, and customer accounts. To improve its customer relationship management and sales processes, the company has recently adopted Salesforce as its CRM platform. However, the challenge lies in seamlessly synchronizing data between the custom ERP system and Salesforce.

Example Use Case:

The company's custom ERP system stores detailed information about its products, including SKU, descriptions, pricing, and availability. Without a clear connection between the custom ERP and Salesforce, the teams operating them will have to manually log the needed data back and forth. Delays and miscommunication will, at some point, disrupt the smooth workflow processes. Errors and bottlenecks will become part of their day-to-day tasks.

To keep the Salesforce CRM up-to-date, ZigiOps Web poller is introduced into the IT infrastructure. Upon initial configuration, the ZigiOps Web poller is configured to regularly query the custom ERP systems database. The Web poller extracts relevant product data from the ERP systems database and converts it into a format compatible with Salesforce objects, such as Products or Price Books.

The Web poller operates at regular intervals, ensuring real-time data flow between the custom ERP system and Salesforce. As a result, the sales team always has access to accurate and up-to-date product information when interacting with customers.

  1. Example

Scenario: A software development company heavily relies on Jira for project management, issue tracking, and software development workflows. However, they also use an internal legacy customer support system to manage customer inquiries and service requests. To streamline operations and provide a seamless experience, they aim to integrate Jira with their legacy customer support system.

Example Use Case:

A company has an internal legacy customer support system used to track customer inquiries. The legacy customer support system receives customer inquiries and/or service requests. Jira is also present in the tech stack and is used to handle the issue resolution process before it escalates. The problem here is that most likely, Jira and the legacy system are not connected in any way. That usually results in unpleasant data silos. The pilling up of customer inquiries always leads to frustration on both the client's and employees' sides. In such scenarios, the ZigiOps Web poller can come in handy.

To ensure timely response and resolution, the Web poller periodically checks for new support tickets in the legacy systems database.

The ZigiOps Web poller extracts essential details from new support tickets, including the customer's name, contact information, ticket description, and priority level.

Jira processes the incoming data and creates a new issue or task based on the support ticket details. The issue is assigned to the relevant team or individual within the development and support departments.

By implementing a Web poller in this integration between Jira and the legacy customer support system, the software development company enhances communication, streamlines issue resolution, and provides a more unified experience for both  IT teams and customers.


The ZigiWave team is committed to delivering an exceptional integration platform that is not only user-friendly and scalable but also reliable and secure. Our goal is to cater to all potential use cases and scenarios you may encounter. Introducing the Web Poller allows you to create custom integrations, seamlessly link your internal systems, and manage these integrations instantly.

You can schedule a quick demo with our team and see how we can help you solve your use case.

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