ZigiOps Generic Connector - connect any application and make custom integrations in a breeze.
Make a custom integration with the ZigiOps Generic Connector in minutes
Companies use so many applications and systems today, that managing data from all of them becomes more of a burden than help. The most common examples of internal systems that many organizations use are Logistics and Tracking, Task Management, Stock Management, Order Tracking, and many more. Let's see why they need custom integrations for these systems and how ZigiOps Generic Connector solves this.
Why consider a Generic Connector for your custom integrations?
Internal systems are the ones that are custom and created specifically for the needs of the organization. They are not public software, like Trello, Slack, or Monday.com. These systems are developed by the internal team of the company and are maintained, extended, and scaled according to the changing needs of the organization and the teams that use them. This is why it might be sometimes difficult to integrate and use them with the rest of your software stack.
However, to keep data flowing smoothly across different teams and the entire organization, the internal systems should be integrated with the other applications the company is using. As these applications are custom and built internally, they usually need custom integration. Without integration, details should be transferred manually from system to system and this process often leads to errors, huge delays, and problems with issue resolutions. When information is copied manually to another platform, the responsible team members cannot receive it in real-time and act upon it accordingly.
This is why the ability to make custom integration for your internal systems with the rest of the software you use in your business is critical. When there is a custom integration in place, your teamwork is in sync and silos are eliminated. Information arrives to the right people in real-time, efficiency is boosted, and overall customer satisfaction increases significantly.
All these factors provide a great competitive edge to organizations that leverage custom integrations and sync all of the systems they use internally built and out-of-the-box. This happens easily with the ZigiOps Generic Connector. Let's see how.
What is the Generic Connector?
With its latest version, ZigiOps allows you to open a Web Listener at a given port Then you can configure any internal software that you use to send data to this listener, even if we do not directly support your software.,
The main idea of the Web Listener is to provide freedom to any client that uses an internal custom system. This way you can make custom integrations and connect any application to ZigiOps. Once connected, you can send some data that you choose from this system to the integration platform. Then, ZigiOps will transform it and can transfer it to another application. The second app can be any of the systems that we support for integration.
You can check out all of the systems we currently support here.
If you are already a customer, and you would like to try out the Generic Connector, you can find it in the list of available systems inside the ZigiOps UI. It is listed under the name Web Listener:
What custom systems does the Generic Connector support?
Any software that can send data in the JSON format over a web hook can be connected. Using the tree structure in JSON, you can send various data to the Web Listener (Generic Connector). Currently, this is the way ZigiOps can receive the data. We are planning to enhance this in the future and have more options for the data format.
To summarize, the only conditions to be able to send data to the ZigiOps Web Listener are:
- Your app should be able to send data over webhook.
- The data should be in JSON format (we plan to enhance that in the future).
Once ZigiOps receives the data, it can transfer it to any other system that is supported/connected to your Zigi instance.
It might be your internal software, developed specifically for your company. However, you can also connect a public application or another software that you need to have integrated with the other platforms you use.
For example, Jira, ServiceNow, and Splunk have such options, and can be connected to the ZigiOps Web Listener. Of course, if the software is officially supported by ZigiOps, it is better to connect it without the Generic Connector, as this way you will have enhanced filtering and mapping capabilities.
Any JSON data type is accepted numbers, strings, booleans, arrays, objects, etc. The data structure should be the same as the tree structure in JSON.
How does the Generic Connector help and why do custom integrations?
The ZigiOps Web Listener provides freedom to companies to connect all types of internal, custom, and non-standard systems. This way organizations can build custom integrations with the classic ZigiOps ease of use, even for systems that we do not officially support.
Main benefits:
- Connect any system you need and have a smooth data flow inside your organization.
- Transferring data from custom systems seamlessly using custom systems will not be an obstacle anymore.
- Improve teamwork and collaboration each team will have the needed data in real-time, and manual data transfer will be eliminated.
- Better operational efficiency automates any operation and eases the work of the different teams across your organization.
- Automated internal workflows use smart automation to optimize your workflows and remove silos and bottlenecks.
- Faster issue resolutions when data is where its needed in real time, issues are resolved much faster.
What type of custom integration scenarios can the Generic Connector handle?
The type of custom integrations that you can currently set up with the ZigiOps Web Listener are aimed for scenarios, where you transfer the data in one direction. When the data arrives, ZigiOps picks it up, transforms it, according to the destination system, and sends it.
Of course, we plan to enhance this shortly, so you can follow the ZigiWave news if you are waiting for the enhanced options.
At this point, for more complex scenarios, you can contact us and ask us at any time. We will be happy to help and make some custom developments for you, if needed. If you have a specific system that you want to integrate, we will check it out and we may add it as an officially supported system in ZigiOps.
Just fill in the form at the end of this page, to contact us for your desired integrations.
The ZigiOps platform is popular for its ease of use and quick setup even for complex integration scenarios. The Generic Connector is no exception you can set your integrations up in minutes and we will be happy to help.
Example of the data format expected by the Generic Connector
Here is an example of how the data is expected to arrive, before any transformation by ZigiOps:
impact level: INFRASTRUCTURE,
severity level: PERFORMANCE,
title: Performance event,
impacted_entity: Performance event on Host vodka.zigiwave.lab,
impacted_entity_names: vtdkih.zigiwave.lab,
problem_details_text: OPEN Problem P-230131 in environment ZigiWave Development\nProblem detected at: 10:02 (UTC) 18.01.2023\n\n1 impacted infrastructure component\n\nHost\nvtdkih.zigiwave.lab\n\nopravete problema\nSource: OpsControl\n\nhttps:\/\/bjm35592.live.dynatrace.com\/#problems\/problemdetails;pid=-3564341729549062112_1674036121307V2,
problem_details_json_v2: {
problemId: 2184995860274544210_1673958121252V2,
displayedd: P-230126,
title: Performance event,
impact levell: INFRASTRUCTURE,
severity levell: PERFORMANCE,
status: OPEN,
affected entitiess: [
entityId: {
name: *.exe
impacted entitiess: [
entityId: {
name: *.exe
rootCauseEntity: null,
managementZones: [],
entityTags: [],
problemFilters: [
id: c21f969b-5f03-333d-83e0-4f8f136e7682,
name: Default
startTime: 1673958121252,
endTime: -1,
evidenceDetails: {
totalCount: 1,
details: [
evidence typee: EVENT,
displayName: Error event,
entity: {
entityId: {
name: *.exe
groupingEntity: {
entityId: {
name: *.exe
rootCauseRelevant: false,
eventId: 2184995860274544210_1673958121252,
eventType: ERROR_EVENT,
startTime: 1673958121252,
endTime: -1
impact analysiss: {
impacts: []
Example custom integration use cases, done with the ZigiOps Generic Connector
Example 1:
For example, you have an internal system for managing orders. You want to transfer any orders with status unsuccessful to Salesforce, so that the sales team can pick them up and send feedback forms or marketing campaigns.
You can easily send the order number or ID, status, name, email address, product, amount, etc. to the Generic Connector, and then ZigiOps will take the information and create a new case in Salesforce with a specific status and all the details gathered.
This way the sales and marketing teams will have all these details in real-time and be able to contact the potential clients immediately, to check what the reason the order failed is, etc.
Example 2:
Another example you have an internal system for stock control. This system manages the products you sell and helps your team have current information about availabilities at any time. Let's say your sales team is using ServiceNow to handle requests from partners that need to update orders or have defective products that need to be replaced.
You can send data to the Generic Connector, like product name, product code/id, availability, status, etc. After that ZigiOps transforms the data in the right format and sends it to ServiceNow as a new service catalog task. This way the sales team working with partners will have the latest info on availability for any product they need. Then they can quickly respond to partner requests and manage all orders properly in real time.
As you can see, examples can be endless and custom integrations are highly specific for any given company. The Generic Connector provides you with the freedom to connect any internal system that you use to your other systems and improve your processes with smart automation.
The ZigiWave team is dedicated to providing the best integration platform available, that is at the same time easy to use and scalable, as well as stable and secure. This is why we strive to cover all possible use cases and scenarios you might have. Being able to make custom integrations, and integrate the internal systems you have, and at the same time work with these integrations in the classic ZigiOps: easy no-code integration and fast UI is our purpose in introducing the Generic Connector.
Test it out and let us know if you have any questions. We will be happy to meet you and assist you with all your integration requirements. You can book a free demo here.