June 4, 2024

Comparison: Splunk or Opentext?

Compare Splunk vs. OperationsBridge: Features, costs, scalability


Introduction to Splunk and Operations Bridge

In the field of IT operations management and monitoring, Splunk and Operations Bridge (OpsBridge) stand out as two leading solutions. Splunk, renowned for its robust data analytics capabilities, and OpsBridge, known for its comprehensive IT operations management features, both offer unique advantages. This article aims to provide a detailed and technically comprehensive comparison of these two tools to assist in determining the best fit for your organization.

1. Architecture

In IT operations and monitoring, architecture is crucial for the effectiveness of solutions like Splunk and OpsBridge. Splunk's distributed architecture excels in real-time data analysis, while OpsBridge's modular design offers comprehensive, service-centric monitoring. These architectural differences highlight Splunk's flexibility versus OpsBridge's holistic approach, essential for optimizing IT operations.


  • Data Ingestion: Splunk uses a distributed architecture that consists of various components to collect, index, and analyze data from multiple sources. Data ingestion is facilitated by forwarders, which can be either Universal Forwarders (lightweight) or Heavy Forwarders (full-featured).
  • Indexers: Indexers are the core component where data is stored and processed. They handle indexing and enable efficient data retrieval through search queries.
  • Search Heads: Search heads are responsible for managing search requests and distributing them across indexers. They support clustering for improved performance and availability.
  • Deployment Server: The deployment server manages and distributes configuration updates to forwarders and indexers, ensuring consistency across the deployment.
  • User Interface: Splunk's web-based UI offers interactive dashboards, advanced visualizations, and the ability to create custom applications using the Splunk app framework.

Takeaway: Splunk's name is inspired by "spelunking," the hobby of exploring caves, symbolizing the exploration of hidden insights within data.


  • Data Collection: OpsBridge employs a hierarchical data collection architecture. Agents installed on monitored systems collect data and send it to Operations Agent, which processes and forwards the data to the Operations Bridge Manager (OBM).
  • Operations Agent: This central agent acts as an intermediary, aggregating data from various sources before sending it to OBM for further processing and analysis.
  • Operations Bridge Manager (OBM): OBM is the core management server that provides a centralized platform for monitoring, event management, and data correlation.
  • Data Lake: OpsBridge integrates with a data lake to enhance its data handling capabilities, allowing for efficient storage and analysis of large volumes of data.
  • UIs and Dashboards: OpsBridge offers a unified web-based interface for monitoring, analytics, and reporting, including Business Value Dashboards (BVD) for business-centric insights and a mobile app for on-the-go access.

Takeaway: OpsBridge was originally part of Hewlett Packard Enterprise's (HPE) IT operations suite before being acquired by Micro Focus, which continues to develop and enhance the platform.

2. Features

Splunk excels with its real-time data indexing, searching, and analytics, providing rapid insights from extensive data sets. OpsBridge stands out with its integrated, service-oriented monitoring and automation for hybrid IT landscapes. These distinct features emphasize Splunk's data-focused adaptability and OpsBridge's all-encompassing, comprehensive monitoring strengths.


  • Data Analytics: Splunk is renowned for its powerful data analytics capabilities, enabling complex search queries, real-time monitoring, and integration with machine learning tools for predictive analytics.
  • Dashboards and Visualizations: Users can create highly customizable dashboards with a wide range of visualization options, including charts, graphs, and heat maps.
  • Alerting: Configurable alerts can be set up based on specific conditions, with support for various notification systems such as email, SMS, and integration with third-party alerting tools.
  • Machine Learning: The Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit allows users to apply machine learning algorithms to their data for advanced analytics and anomaly detection.
  • App Ecosystem: Splunkbase, Splunk's app marketplace, offers hundreds of pre-built integrations and applications that extend the platform's functionality.


  • Event Correlation and Management: OpsBridge features an advanced event correlation engine that reduces noise by filtering irrelevant events and highlights significant issues, improving incident management.
  • Service Health Monitoring: Real-time service health monitoring provides insights into the performance and availability of IT services, with automated root cause analysis to quickly identify and resolve issues.
  • Automation: Extensive automation capabilities include workflows for automated remediation and integration with IT process automation tools to streamline operations.
  • Topology-Based Monitoring: Visualizes IT infrastructure topology and dependencies, offering insights into how issues in one area can impact other parts of the environment.
  • Unified Dashboard: Combines data from multiple sources into a single, comprehensive view, allowing for holistic monitoring and reporting.

3. Data Handling Capabilities

Splunk handles data with real-time indexing, efficient searching, and advanced analytics, providing quick insights from vast machine-generated data. OpsBridge excels in integrated data collection and analysis across diverse IT environments, supporting comprehensive monitoring and automation.


  • Scalability: Splunk is designed to handle large volumes of machine data with linear scalability. It can scale horizontally by adding more indexers and search heads, making it suitable for both small and large deployments.
  • Data Sources: Splunk supports a vast array of data sources, including logs, metrics, events, and various structured and unstructured data formats from virtually any application, device, or service.
  • Real-Time Processing: Provides real-time data processing and alerting capabilities, ensuring timely insights and rapid response to issues.

Takeaway: Splunk's ability to handle diverse data sources makes it a popular choice for organizations seeking a unified solution for both IT operations and business analytics.

OpenText Operations Bridge:

  • Integrated Data Collection: OpsBridge collects data from a wide range of sources, including infrastructure, applications, cloud environments, and network devices, providing a comprehensive view of the IT landscape.
  • Data Volume Management: Efficiently handles large volumes of data through its integration with a data lake, ensuring optimal performance and scalability.
  • Event Correlation: Advanced event correlation capabilities help manage and analyze large amounts of event data, reducing noise and highlighting critical issues for quicker resolution.

Takeaway: OBM’s ability to integrate with a data lake allows organizations to leverage big data technologies for enhanced analytics and reporting, providing deeper insights into IT operations.

5. Scalability

Splunk's scalable architecture effortlessly accommodates growing data volumes and user demands. OpsBridge provides scalable monitoring and automation capabilities, adapting to the evolving needs of hybrid IT environments.


  • Horizontal Scaling: Splunk is designed to scale horizontally by adding additional indexers and search heads. This approach ensures that performance and capacity can grow in line with data volume.
  • Cluster Management: Supports clustered deployments for high availability and load balancing, ensuring continuous operation even in the event of hardware failures.
  • Elastic Scaling: Capable of elastic scaling in cloud environments, allowing organizations to dynamically adjust resources based on demand.

OpenText Operations Bridge:

  • Scalable Architecture: OpsBridge is built to handle large-scale IT environments with scalable components that can grow with the organization's needs.
  • High Availability: Supports high availability configurations to ensure continuous monitoring and management, even during maintenance or hardware failures.
  • Cloud and Hybrid: Can be deployed in cloud, on-premises, or hybrid environments, offering flexibility to meet diverse deployment requirements.

6. Security

Splunk prioritizes security with robust features like role-based access control and data encryption, ensuring data confidentiality and integrity. OpsBridge implements comprehensive security measures, including access controls and encryption, to safeguard sensitive information across hybrid IT environments. These security measures emphasize Splunk's focus on protecting data integrity and OpsBridge's commitment to securing IT operations.


  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Implements fine-grained access control to ensure that only authorized users can access specific data and functionalities.
  • Data Encryption: Supports encryption for data at rest and in transit, enhancing security and compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Compliance: Assists organizations in meeting various compliance requirements through comprehensive logging, auditing capabilities, and predefined compliance reports.

Takeaway: Splunk's robust security features and compliance capabilities make it a preferred choice for industries with stringent regulatory requirements, such as finance and healthcare.

OpenText Operations Bridge:

  • RBAC: Implements robust role-based access control mechanisms to manage user permissions and ensure data security.
  • Data Security: Ensures data security through encryption and secure communications, protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access.
  • Compliance Management: Integrates with compliance management frameworks to support regulatory requirements, providing audit trails and compliance reporting.

Takeaway: OpsBridge's integration with compliance management frameworks helps organizations streamline their compliance processes, reducing the effort and cost associated with regulatory adherence.

OpenText OBM – Splunk: pros and cons

Like each system, both Splunk and OpenText OBM (Operations Bridge Manager) have their positive and negative sides. As users, it’s important to know them because it helps make better choice between the two when the situation calls for it.  

Splunk pros



Data Analytics 

- Powerful data analytics capabilities 


- Real-time data processing and alerting 


- Extensive machine learning toolkit 


- Highly scalable with horizontal scaling 


- Cluster management for high availability 


- Extensive REST API support and third-party integrations 


- Rich ecosystem of custom applications via Splunkbase 


- Highly customizable dashboards and visualizations 


- Support for developing custom applications 


- Strong role-based access control (RBAC) 


- Data encryption at rest and in transit 


- Compliance reporting and auditing capabilities 


- Suitable for various use cases beyond IT operations, including business analytics, security information, and event management (SIEM) 

Splunk cons




Can be expensive, especially for large-scale deployments 


Steeper learning curve due to its powerful and versatile features 

Resource Intensive 

Can be resource-intensive, requiring significant infrastructure for large deployments 


Customization can be complex and may require advanced technical skills 

Data Handling 

May require additional tools or configurations for very large data sets 


 Alerting features are robust but can become complex to manage for large rule sets 

OpenText OBM pros

Event Correlation 

 Advanced event correlation and service health monitoring 


Comprehensive IT operations management (ITOM) 

Data Handling 

Integration with data lakes for efficient data handling 


Scalable architecture for large-scale IT environments 

High availability and support for cloud and hybrid deployments 


Out-of-the-box integrations with common IT management tools 


Centralized integration hub for seamless data flow and orchestration 


- Business Value Dashboards (BVD) for business-centric insights 


- Customizable workflows and automation capabilities 


- Robust role-based access control (RBAC) 


- Comprehensive data security with encryption 


- Integration with compliance management frameworks 

OpenText OBM cons


Licensing and implementation costs can be high 


Complexity in setup and integration may require extensive configuration 

Resource Intensive 

May require dedicated resources for management and maintenance 


Customizations and integrations may require deep knowledge of the platform 

Data Handling 

Efficient handling of large volumes of data might need integration with a data lake 


Alerting and event management are strong but can generate noise if not properly configured 

Splunk Operations Bridge integration

Choosing the right tool for integrating Splunk and OpenText OperationsBridge Manager (OBM) is crucial for seamless data flow and enhanced operational efficiency. ZigiOps stands out as an excellent integration solution, offering robust, bi-directional connectivity that ensures real-time data synchronization between Splunk and OBM.

With ZigiOps no-code integration platform, organizations can streamline their IT operations, improve incident management, and gain comprehensive visibility across their IT landscape, ultimately driving better decision-making and operational performance.

OpenText OBM and Splunk Alternatives

Companies often face the constant challenge of selecting the right tools and solutions to meet their business needs. While systems like Splunk and OpenText OBM offer robust capabilities for IT operations management and analytics, having a list of alternative solutions is essential for companies to make informed decisions and stay agile in their approach.






Elastic Stack (ELK Stack) 

Comprises Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana for search, analysis, and visualization of log data. 


Sumo Logic 

Cloud-native machine data analytics platform for real-time insights, monitoring, and security. 



Open-source log management tool that enables collection, indexing, and analysis of data. 



Monitoring and analytics platform for cloud-scale applications, integrating metrics, traces, and logs. 



Security information and event management (SIEM) solution for threat detection and response. 


IBM QRadar 

SIEM platform that integrates with other IBM security solutions for comprehensive threat management. 


New Relic 

Performance monitoring and observability platform for application and infrastructure monitoring. 

OpenText OBM 


Open-source monitoring system for IT infrastructure, offering alerting and visualization capabilities. 



Open-source monitoring solution for network, server, and application monitoring with customizable dashboards. 


Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) 

Provides infrastructure monitoring and alerting for Windows environments, integrating with other Microsoft tools. 


BMC Helix 

ITOM suite with advanced service management and monitoring features, supporting cloud and hybrid environments. 


ServiceNow ITOM 

IT operations management solution that includes event management, infrastructure monitoring, and cloud management. 


ManageEngine OpManager 

Network and server monitoring tool with real-time monitoring and customizable reporting features. 


SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor (NPM) 

Network monitoring and management solution with extensive visualization and alerting capabilities. 


Both Splunk and OpenText OpsBridge (OBM) offer robust solutions for managing and monitoring IT environments, but they cater to different needs and use cases. Splunk excels in data analytics and is highly versatile, making it suitable for a broad range of applications, including security and business analytics. OpenText OBM, on the other hand, provides a more integrated approach to IT operations management, with strong capabilities in event correlation, service health monitoring, and automation.

Evaluating your organization's specific requirements, existing infrastructure, and future scalability needs will help in making an informed decision between Splunk and OpenText OpsBridge Manager. Both tools offer unique strengths and can significantly enhance your IT operations and monitoring capabilities. A comprehensive and, at the same time, easy to use no-code integration platform like ZigiOps can help introduce and implement either of them into your IT infrastructure: fast, safe, and secure. Book a free demo today – elevate your IT operations and enhance team collaboration in minutes.

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