August 16, 2024

Salesforce Dynamic Forms for Beginners: A Detailed Technical Guide

Salesforce Dynamic Forms provide flexible, user experience with ZigiOps

Salesforce Dynamic Forms

Salesforce Dynamic Forms is a transformative feature designed to revolutionize the way Salesforce administrators and developers build and manage page layouts in Salesforce Lightning Experience. By allowing for granular customization of fields and sections directly on the Lightning Record Pages, Dynamic Forms provide unprecedented flexibility and responsiveness tailored to the needs of end users.

This guide will delve into the technical details of Salesforce Dynamic Forms, covering their benefits, how to enable and use them, their limitations, the challenges they solve, common issues, tips for effective use, and an introduction to Dynamic Actions.

What is Salesforce Dynamic Forms?

Introduced in Salesforce's Summer ’20 release, Dynamic Forms allow administrators to build highly customized, user-centric record pages in the Lightning App Builder by dragging and dropping individual fields and sections onto the page layout. Unlike traditional Salesforce page layouts that are rigid and apply uniformly across users, Dynamic Forms offer dynamic visibility and interaction, enabling the creation of personalized and efficient user interfaces.

Salesforce Dynamic Forms: Key Concepts

Salesforce Dynamic Forms revolutionize the way organizations create and manage page layouts, offering a more flexible and user-centric approach to capturing and displaying data. Unlike traditional page layouts, Dynamic Forms allow admins to customize individual fields and sections based on specific criteria, enhancing user experience and data accuracy. But let’s get into some details:

Field-Level Customization:

Dynamic Forms introduce a powerful way to tailor the user interface by allowing admins to add and configure fields directly on the record page, independent of the standard page layout. Traditionally, Salesforce page layouts were rigid; every user with access to the same record type would see the same fields, regardless of their role or the context in which they were working. Dynamic Forms break this limitation by giving you granular control over which fields appear and where they are positioned on the page.

With Field-Level Customization, you can place fields exactly where they are most relevant, making the page more intuitive and user-friendly. For example, you can group related fields together in sections or tabs, even if they come from different objects. This not only enhances the user experience but also improves productivity by ensuring that users see only the information they need when they need it.

Conditional Visibility:

One of the standout features of Dynamic Forms is Conditional Visibility. This feature allows you to set rules that determine whether a field or section is visible based on certain conditions. These conditions can include:

  • User Roles: Display or hide fields based on the role of the user accessing the page. For instance, sales reps might see a different set of fields than customer service agents.
  • Field Values: Show or hide fields depending on the value of another field. For example, if a checkbox for "Additional Details Required" is checked, then a corresponding section of fields can appear to capture those details.
  • Device Type: Tailor the user experience by showing different fields on different devices, such as desktop versus mobile, ensuring that users on smaller screens aren't overwhelmed with unnecessary information.

This conditional logic makes forms smarter and more dynamic, reducing clutter and focusing the user's attention on what is most relevant to them in a given context.

Separation of Concerns:

Separation of Concerns is a key design principle that Dynamic Forms embody, enabling a more modular approach to building and maintaining record pages. Traditionally, fields were tightly coupled with page layouts, meaning any change to a field's visibility or placement required editing the entire page layout. This could be cumbersome, especially in complex Salesforce environments where different user groups need different data views.

With Dynamic Forms, fields are decoupled from the traditional page layout, allowing them to be managed independently. This modular approach means you can update, rearrange, or conditionally display fields without altering the entire layout. This not only simplifies maintenance but also enables more agile responses to business needs. For instance, if a new field needs to be added for a specific role or scenario, it can be done quickly without impacting other users or requiring a complete layout overhaul.

This separation enhances flexibility, scalability, and overall efficiency in managing Salesforce record pages, ensuring that they remain relevant and aligned with evolving business processes.

Why Companies Need Salesforce Dynamic Forms

Dynamic Forms address several common challenges faced by Salesforce users and administrators:

User Experience:

Dynamic Forms enhance the user experience by ensuring that users see only the most relevant information. This reduces clutter and makes it easier for users to find the data they need.

Administrative Efficiency:

By centralizing field management within the Lightning Record Pages, administrators can reduce the number of page layouts they need to maintain, simplifying updates and minimizing the risk of errors.

Responsive Design:

With the ability to tailor pages to specific user roles or profiles, Dynamic Forms ensures that each user sees a page layout optimized for their specific needs, leading to increased productivity and satisfaction.

Salesforce Dynamic Forms Benefits

Dynamic Forms offers a lot of benefits to Salesforce users. Here are the 6 most common:

Increased Flexibility:

Dynamic Forms allow administrators to create more flexible page layouts by managing individual fields and sections. This enables more precise control over what users see, based on specific criteria such as record type, profile, or even field values.

Enhanced User Experience:

By displaying only the necessary fields, Salesforce Dynamic Forms improves the user experience by reducing page load times and making it easier for users to find relevant information quickly. The pages can be tailored to display only what is necessary for each specific context.

Simplified Maintenance:

With Dynamic Forms, the need to maintain multiple page layouts for different profiles and record types is drastically reduced. Changes can be made in one central location, making it easier to manage and update fields without the need for extensive testing across different page layouts.

Conditional Visibility:

Salesforce Dynamic Forms introduce the concept of conditional visibility, allowing fields and sections to appear or disappear based on criteria defined by the administrator. This means users see only the information that is pertinent to them at any given time, improving efficiency and reducing cognitive load.

Real-Time Updates:

Since Salesforce Dynamic Forms are embedded directly in the Lightning Record Pages, any changes made to the form's configuration are instantly reflected, enabling real-time updates without the need for page refreshes.

Integration with Dynamic Actions:

Dynamic Forms work seamlessly with Dynamic Actions, allowing administrators to customize action buttons based on user profiles, permissions, and other criteria. This further enhances the ability to tailor the user experience.

How to Enable Salesforce Dynamic Forms: Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: The Prerequisites

You must be working within Salesforce Lightning Experience.

Dynamic Forms are available for custom objects and certain standard objects (e.g., Accounts, Contacts, and Opportunities).

You need Salesforce admin permissions to enable and configure Dynamic Forms.

Step 2: The Process

Navigate to the Object's Record Page. Go to any record page for the object you wish to customize (e.g., a specific Account, Opportunity, or custom object record).Open the Lightning App Builder. Then, click the gear icon (Settings) in the upper-right corner and select Edit Page. This action opens the Lightning App Builder, where you can customize the layout.

Step 3 (in case you’re not currently using Dynamic Forms): Upgrade to Dynamic Forms

If you are working on a custom object, you should see a prompt offering to upgrade to Dynamic Forms. Click Upgrade Now. For standard objects, this option might be available depending on Salesforce's rollout status.

The upgrade process converts your traditional page layout into a Dynamic Forms-enabled layout.

Step 4: Adding Fields to the Page

In the Lightning App Builder, a new Fields panel will appear on the right side of the screen. You can search for and drag individual fields directly onto the page layout. This allows you to place fields exactly where you want them without the constraints of traditional layouts.

Step 5: Create and Customize Sections

Use the Field Section component to group related fields into sections. Each section can be independently configured with its visibility rules and layout preferences.

Step 6: Set Conditional Visibility

Click on any field or section to access its properties. In the properties panel, you’ll find options for setting visibility rules. These rules determine whether a field or section should be visible based on specific criteria, such as record field values or user roles.

Step 7: Save and Activate the Page

Once you've made your changes, click Save to preserve your work. Then, click Activation to define where and when this new page layout should be used (e.g., make it the default for specific profiles, apps, or record types).

Step 8: Test the Page Layout

It’s crucial to test the new Dynamic Forms layout across different profiles and record types to ensure it behaves as expected.

And that’s it.

What Are Dynamic Actions and how are they related to Dynamics Forms?

Dynamic Actions and Dynamic Forms work together to create a highly customizable and context-aware Salesforce experience. While each feature enhances different aspects of a record page—Dynamic Forms focusing on data display and entry, and Dynamic Actions on available user actions—they are designed to complement each other, providing a seamless and tailored user interface.

Contextual User Interface: Dynamic Forms allow administrators to control which fields and sections are visible to users based on conditions like user role, field values, or device type. Similarly, Dynamic Actions enable you to control which actions (such as buttons or quick actions) appear on the page based on similar conditions. Together, these features ensure that the page displays only the most relevant information and actions, creating a highly contextual experience. For instance, when certain fields in a Dynamic Form are filled out (e.g., when an "Opportunity Stage" is set to "Closed Won"), corresponding Dynamic Actions (e.g., "Generate Invoice") can become visible, guiding the user through the next steps in the process.

Streamlined Workflow: By using Salesforce Dynamic Forms to manage what data users see and enter, and Dynamic Actions to control what actions they can take, you can streamline workflows significantly. Users are presented with just the right fields and actions at the right time, minimizing confusion and reducing the chances of errors. For example, if a user selects "High Priority" in a Dynamic Form, a corresponding Dynamic Action, like "Escalate Issue," can immediately become available. This integration ensures that users are guided through complex processes with the appropriate options presented contextually.

Enhanced Flexibility and Maintenance: Dynamic Forms decouple fields from traditional page layouts, allowing them to be managed independently. Similarly, Dynamic Actions decouple actions from static page layouts, enabling administrators to add, remove, or modify actions without affecting the entire page structure. This separation of fields and actions makes maintaining Salesforce pages easier and more flexible. Administrators can quickly adapt both the data fields and available actions to meet changing business needs without having to reconfigure the entire page layout, ensuring that the Salesforce environment remains agile and responsive.

Consistent User Experience Across Devices: Both Salesforce Dynamic Forms and Salesforce Dynamic Actions allow for device-specific customization. This ensures that the user experience remains consistent and optimized across different devices. For example, mobile users might see a simplified form with fewer fields and only the most essential actions, while desktop users might access a more detailed form with additional actions available.

This synergy ensures that regardless of the device, users interact with a page that is optimized for their needs, with both the fields (managed by Dynamic Forms) and the actions (managed by Dynamic Actions) presented in the most efficient manner.

Challenges Resolved by Salesforce Dynamic Forms

Dynamic Forms are designed to address several common challenges faced by Salesforce users and administrators:

  • Complex Page Layouts: Traditional page layouts can become complex and difficult to manage, especially when catering to diverse user profiles and record types. Dynamic Forms simplify this by allowing for more modular and flexible page design.
  • Data Overload: Users often face information overload when dealing with extensive page layouts. Dynamic Forms resolve this by showing only the relevant data based on the context, improving user focus and efficiency.
  • Maintenance Overhead: Maintaining multiple page layouts for different profiles can be cumbersome. Dynamic Forms centralize field and section management, reducing the overhead associated with maintaining and updating layouts.
  • User Adoption: Poorly designed page layouts can hinder user adoption of Salesforce. By providing a more user-friendly and responsive interface, Dynamic Forms can increase user satisfaction and adoption rates.

Common Salesforce Dynamic Forms Issues

Despite their benefits, users may encounter some challenges when working with Salesforce Dynamic Forms:

  • Performance Lag: If too many fields or complex visibility rules are applied, it may slow down page load times. To mitigate this, carefully consider the number of fields displayed and the complexity of visibility rules.
  • Limited Mobile Support: Dynamic Forms are not yet supported on the Salesforce mobile app, meaning mobile users will still see the traditional page layout. This can lead to inconsistencies in user experience across platforms.
  • Learning Curve: Administrators familiar with traditional page layouts may need time to adjust to the new paradigm of Dynamic Forms. Training and documentation are crucial for a smooth transition.
  • Partial Object Support: As of now, Salesforce Dynamic Forms are not available for all standard objects, which may limit their applicability for some organizations.

Tips for Using Salesforce Dynamic Forms Effectively

When transitioning to Salesforce Dynamic Forms, it's advisable to start with a pilot project on a custom object or a less critical standard object. This approach allows you to understand the nuances of Dynamic Forms before implementing them more broadly. As you configure the forms, use conditional visibility wisely by keeping the rules simple.

Overcomplicating these rules can lead to management challenges and potential performance issues. It's important to regularly review your Dynamic Forms layouts to ensure they continue to meet the evolving needs of your users and business processes.

Additionally, actively seeking feedback from end users can provide valuable insights into their experience with Dynamic Forms, enabling you to make necessary adjustments. Finally, combining Dynamic Forms with Dynamic Actions can help you create a fully customized and streamlined user experience, further enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of your Salesforce implementation.

Salesforce Dynamic Forms Limitations

Salesforce Dynamic Forms do come with some limitations that may impact their usability in certain scenarios. Firstly, Dynamic Forms are currently only available for custom objects and a limited set of standard objects. This restricted availability can limit their application in organizations that rely heavily on unsupported standard objects. Additionally, there is no support for Dynamic Forms on mobile devices, which can be a significant drawback for organizations that depend on mobile Salesforce use, as they won't fully benefit from this feature.

Another challenge is the potential complexity in management, particularly for organizations with intricate data models and diverse user requirements. Managing visibility rules and layout configurations can become cumbersome and difficult to maintain in such environments. Lastly, Dynamic Forms are exclusively available in Salesforce Lightning Experience, meaning that organizations still operating on Salesforce Classic cannot leverage this functionality, which may necessitate a transition to Lightning for those looking to take advantage of Dynamic Forms.

Using ZigiOps for Salesforce Dynamic Forms integrations

ZigiOps is an advanced integration platform that enhances the power of Salesforce Dynamic Forms by seamlessly connecting Salesforce with a wide range of other systems. Salesforce Dynamic Forms offer a flexible way to present and manage objects, such as cases, within Salesforce. These forms allow you to display and interact with the object’s custom fields, rules, and properties in a way that is tailored to specific user needs. By integrating ZigiOps with Salesforce, organizations can automatically populate Dynamic Forms with data from external systems, ensuring that these forms always reflect the most current and accurate information.

Benefits of using ZigiOps no-code platform

The benefits of using ZigiOps, a no-code integration platform, for Salesforce Dynamic Forms are transformative for organizations looking to optimize their Salesforce experience. ZigiOps enables seamless integration between Salesforce and a wide array of external systems without the need for complex coding or manual intervention. This integration ensures that Salesforce Dynamic Forms are always populated with accurate, real-time data from across your business ecosystem.

Real-Time Data Integration: ZigiOps enables real-time synchronization of data from various external systems into Salesforce objects. This means that the Dynamic Forms, which represent these objects, can be automatically updated with data from ERP, CRM, ITSM, or other tools. This keeps your cases and other objects in Salesforce up-to-date, reflecting the latest information from across your organization.

Improved User Experience: With ZigiOps, users can interact with Salesforce objects, such as cases, through Dynamic Forms that are enriched with data from other systems. This integration streamlines the user experience by providing a comprehensive view of the object’s relevant fields, rules, and properties all in one place. Users can make more informed decisions without needing to switch between different systems.

Flexible and Customizable Integration: ZigiOps offers highly flexible integration scenarios, allowing you to define how data flows between systems and Salesforce objects. Whether you need to update custom fields based on events in other systems or pull data into Salesforce on demand, ZigiOps can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

Scalable Solution: As your business grows and the complexity of your data increases, ZigiOps scales effortlessly to handle larger volumes of data and more intricate workflows. This ensures that your Salesforce Dynamic Forms continue to perform efficiently, even as the number of integrated systems and data points expands.

Example Use Case

Imagine a customer support team that manages cases in Salesforce while tracking related tasks in a separate project management tool like JIRA. The team wants to present a comprehensive view of each case within Salesforce, including real-time updates on task progress from JIRA.

With ZigiOps, the integration can be set up so that whenever a task is updated or completed in JIRA, the corresponding case object in Salesforce is automatically updated. These updates are reflected directly in the Salesforce Dynamic Forms, which represent the case. Custom fields in the form might show the latest task status, due dates, or priority levels, all pulled from JIRA in real time.

By using ZigiOps for this integration, the support team can manage cases more effectively, with a full view of all related activities and updates. This integration not only improves operational efficiency but also enhances customer service by ensuring that support agents have the most accurate and timely information available within Salesforce.

In conclusion, ZigiOps empowers organizations to fully leverage Salesforce Dynamic Forms by seamlessly integrating data from external systems into Salesforce objects. This integration enhances the accuracy and relevance of the data presented in Dynamic Forms, improving decision-making, user experience, and overall operational efficiency.


Salesforce Dynamic Forms are a game-changer for administrators and developers looking to create more dynamic, flexible, and user-friendly record pages in Salesforce. By offering granular control over field placement and visibility, Dynamic Forms make it easier to create pages tailored to the needs of individual users and contexts.

While there are some limitations and a learning curve, the benefits of improved user experience, simplified maintenance, and enhanced flexibility make Dynamic Forms a must-learn feature for anyone involved in Salesforce customization. Coupled with Dynamic Actions, Dynamic Forms provide a powerful toolset for creating responsive, efficient, and tailored user interfaces that can significantly improve the productivity and satisfaction of Salesforce users.

For organizations seeking to optimize their Salesforce implementation, adopting Dynamic Forms is a step toward more agile and effective page layout management, ensuring that users can access the information they need in the most intuitive way possible. Integrating Salesforce with external systems using ZigiOps, a no-code platform, takes the power of Dynamic Forms to the next level. ZigiOps enables seamless, code-free integration between Salesforce and any ITSM, ITOM, DevOps, or Cloud system, ensuring that your Dynamic Forms are always populated with real-time, accurate data from across your business ecosystem. This integration enhances the functionality of Dynamic Forms, providing a more comprehensive and connected user experience that drives greater efficiency and better decision-making. By using ZigiOps, organizations can unlock the full potential of Salesforce Dynamic Forms, making it a critical tool for achieving more responsive, data-driven operations.

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