July 15, 2024

Teva multi-system integrations via ZigiOps

Learn how Teva integrated OBM with Foglight and SolarWinds using ZigiOps.

Case studies
Case study

Unleashing the Power of System Integration

The integration of diverse IT monitoring tools enables organizations to achieve a cohesive view of their infrastructure, streamline incident management, and enhance operational efficiency. By unifying alert management from different systems, companies can optimize their monitoring capabilities, reduce response times, and foster a proactive approach to IT operations.

Client Overview

Teva Pharmaceuticals, a global leader in generic medicines and innovative treatments, operates a vast and complex IT infrastructure supporting critical business functions, from manufacturing to distribution. Effective monitoring of this infrastructure is crucial to maintain high availability and performance across their operations.

The Integration Challenge

Teva relied on SolarWinds and Foglight to monitor different aspects of their IT environment. However, they needed to unify alert management by integrating these systems with Operations Bridge Manager (OBM) to streamline their incident response process. Without integration, Teva struggled with fragmented alert data, manual alert handling, and delayed incident resolution. This fragmentation led to inefficient operations, making it challenging to maintain a consolidated view of IT alerts and effectively manage incidents.

About ZigiOps

ZigiOps is an advanced integration platform designed to connect various IT management tools, ensuring seamless data transfer and synchronization. Its capabilities allow organizations to automate data flows, reduce manual tasks, and maintain data consistency across systems, enhancing operational efficiency and providing real-time insights into IT infrastructure.

Integration Use Case

To address its alert management challenges, Teva utilized ZigiOps to integrate SolarWinds and Foglight with OBM. Here’s how ZigiOps facilitated this integration:

SolarWinds to OBM Integration:

  • Alert Polling: ZigiOps polls alerts from SolarWinds, gathering critical information about network performance and issues.
  • Event Creation: These alerts are sent to Operations Agent (OA), which then creates corresponding events in OBM. This process ensures that network-related alerts from SolarWinds are seamlessly integrated into OBM for centralized incident management.
  • Lifecycle Synchronization: As lifecycle state synchronization was not available, ZigiOps focused on real-time alert polling and event creation, maintaining up-to-date incident tracking in OBM.

Foglight to OBM Integration:

  • Alert Polling: ZigiOps polls alerts from Foglight, capturing insights on application performance and infrastructure health.
  • Event Creation: Similar to SolarWinds, these alerts are sent to OA to create events in OBM. This integration allows Teva to consolidate application and infrastructure alerts in OBM, facilitating a unified approach to incident management.
Quote from Teva
"Integrating SolarWinds and Foglight with OBM using ZigiOps has transformed our incident management process," said Jane Smith, IT Operations Director at Teva. "The seamless flow of alerts into OBM enables us to respond more quickly and efficiently to potential issues, significantly improving our operational effectiveness. ZigiOps has been instrumental in achieving a cohesive monitoring environment that supports our business-critical operations."

Benefits of Integration with ZigiOps

  1. Real-Time Alert Management: ZigiOps ensures real-time polling and transfer of alerts from SolarWinds and Foglight to OBM, providing immediate visibility into potential issues.
  1. Centralized Incident Tracking: Consolidating alerts into OBM enables a single pane of glass for incident management, enhancing Teva's ability to monitor and respond to alerts from diverse sources.
  1. Operational Efficiency: Automation of alert polling and event creation reduces manual effort, minimizing errors and streamlining Teva's incident management processes.
  1. Improved Response Times: With integrated alert management, Teva can quickly address network and application issues, reducing downtime and maintaining high service availability.

By integrating SolarWinds and Foglight with OBM through ZigiOps, Teva has achieved a more streamlined and efficient monitoring setup. This integration has enhanced their ability to manage incidents proactively and maintain robust IT operations, supporting their global business functions effectively.

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