August 28, 2024

Integrating Azure Pipelines with Jira: A Seamless DevOps Journey

Integrate Jira with Azure DevOps Pipelines effortlessly with our guide


Integrating powerful tools can streamline processes, improve productivity, and enhance collaboration. Azure Pipelines and Jira are two such tools that, when combined, create a robust framework for managing and automating software development and project management.  

Azure Pipelines Overview

Azure Pipelines is a cloud service that supports continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) to build, test, and deploy code to any platform. As part of the Azure DevOps suite, Azure Pipelines enables developers to automate their workflows from code commit to production deployment.

Best Azure Pipelines Features:

  • Multi-platform support: Azure Pipelines can build and deploy applications for any platform, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. This cross-platform capability makes it suitable for diverse development environments.
  • YAML-based pipelines: Pipelines are defined using YAML, which allows for easy configuration, versioning, and sharing of pipeline definitions as code. This supports Infrastructure as Code (IaC) practices.
  • Extensive integration: Azure Pipelines integrates seamlessly with GitHub, Azure Repos, Bitbucket, and other version control systems. It also supports integration with container registries like Docker Hub and Azure Container Registry.
  • Parallel jobs: It supports running multiple jobs in parallel, reducing the overall time taken for build and deployment processes.
  • Built-in tasks and extensions: Azure Pipelines provides a rich set of built-in tasks for common CI/CD operations and supports an extensive marketplace of extensions for additional functionality.

Azure Pipelines Benefits:

  • Automation: By automating the entire CI/CD process, Azure Pipelines reduces the need for manual intervention, minimizing errors and speeding up the development cycle.
  • Speed: With capabilities like parallel jobs and optimized build agents, Azure Pipelines ensures fast build and deployment times, allowing for quicker feedback and iteration.
  • Reliability: The platform provides reliable and repeatable build processes, ensuring consistent results across different environments.
  • Visibility: Detailed logs, dashboards, and real-time monitoring offer insights into the build and deployment status, helping teams identify and address issues promptly.

Azure Pipelines Drawbacks:

  • Complexity: The initial setup and configuration can be complex, especially for large projects with intricate build and deployment requirements. Understanding and optimizing YAML syntax can also be challenging.
  • Learning curve: Teams new to CI/CD practices may require time to learn and adapt to Azure Pipelines' features and workflows. Comprehensive training and documentation are often needed to fully leverage its capabilities.

Jira Overview

Jira is a powerful project management tool developed by Atlassian, widely used for tracking issues, bugs, and project progress. Initially created as a bug tracking tool, Jira has evolved into a comprehensive platform for managing various types of projects and workflows.

Jira  Features:

  • Issue tracking: Jira offers comprehensive issue and bug tracking capabilities, allowing teams to capture, assign, and prioritize issues efficiently. Custom fields, workflows, and screens ensure that the issue tracking process fits specific project needs.
  • Agile support: Jira has built-in support for Agile methodologies with Scrum and Kanban boards, facilitating sprint planning, backlog grooming, and visual project tracking.
  • Custom workflows: Jira's workflow engine is highly customizable, enabling teams to define custom workflows that match their processes. This includes setting up custom statuses, transitions, and rules.
  • Reporting and analytics: Jira provides advanced reporting and analytics features, including burndown charts, velocity charts, and various dashboards that offer insights into project progress and team performance.
  • Integration ecosystem: Jira integrates with a wide range of tools, including Confluence for documentation, Bitbucket for version control, and Slack for communication. This extensive integration ecosystem enhances its utility and flexibility.

Jira Benefits:

  • Organization: Jira helps keep projects and issues organized in one central place, providing a clear overview of what needs to be done and who is responsible.
  • Collaboration: Features like comments, mentions, and notifications enhance team collaboration by ensuring that all stakeholders are informed and engaged.
  • Transparency: Jira provides visibility into project progress, helping teams identify bottlenecks and make data-driven decisions.
  • Flexibility: Its adaptability to different project management styles and methodologies makes Jira suitable for a wide range of industries and teams.

Jira Drawbacks:

  • Complexity: Jira's extensive features and customization options can be overwhelming for new users, requiring a significant learning curve to master.
  • Cost: Jira's pricing can be high, especially for larger teams. The cost increases with the number of users and additional features, which may be a consideration for smaller organizations.

Comparative Table: Azure Pipelines vs. Jira


Azure Pipelines 


Primary Function 

CI/CD automation 

Project management

 and issue tracking 

Platform Support 

Windows, macOS, Linux 

Web-based, supports 

various operating systems 



GitHub, Azure Repos, Bitbucket 

Confluence, Bitbucket,

 GitHub, Slack 



(YAML-based configurations) 


 (custom workflows, fields, and boards) 



Moderate to High 

Moderate to High 




(through extensions)


 (built-in Scrum/Kanban boards) 



(build and deployment logs) 

Advanced (detailed project reports) 



(based on usage) 


 (based on user count and features) 

Why Integrate Azure Pipelines with Jira?

Integrating Azure Pipelines with Jira offers a unified solution for managing development and project workflows. This integration ensures that development and project management processes are tightly coupled, resulting in increased visibility, better collaboration, and enhanced productivity.

Benefits of the Jira Azure Pipelines Integration:

  • Traceability: Link commits, builds, and deployments directly to Jira issues for full traceability. This helps in tracking the progress of features and fixes from development to production.
  • Automation: The Atlassian Jira automate issue transitions in Jira based on build and deployment statuses in Azure Pipelines.  
  • Efficiency: Jira streamlines workflows by reducing the need for manual updates and synchronization. This minimizes administrative overhead and allows teams to focus on development.
  • Collaboration: It improves communication and collaboration between development and project management teams. Real-time updates ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding project status and issues.

The Best Tool for the Jira Azure Pipelines Integration

When choosing a tool for integrating Azure Pipelines with Jira, consider the following:

  • Does the chosen tool  offers an intuitive interface and straightforward setup, minimizing the time and effort required to establish the integration?
  • Can it handle the scale and complexity of your projects, accommodating growth and increased project demands?
  • Does it offer customization to fit your specific workflows, allowing you to tailor the integration to your needs?
  • Is the tool of our choice well-supported and regularly updated to keep up with new features and security updates in Azure Pipelines and Jira?

Best Jira Azure Pipelines Integration Practices

To ensure clarity and traceability in development processes, it is essential to use consistent naming conventions for branches, commits, and Jira issues. This practice aids in maintaining a clear connection between the codebase and project management tasks. Additionally, setting up automated triggers to update Jira issues based on build and deployment statuses can significantly improve the synchronization between development activities and project management, keeping everything up-to-date seamlessly.  

Detailed documentation for the integration setup and workflows is also crucial, as it facilitates onboarding new team members and helps in troubleshooting any issues that arise. Regular monitoring of the integration is necessary to ensure it functions correctly and continues to meet your needs. Periodic reviews can be instrumental in identifying and promptly resolving any problems, thereby maintaining the efficiency and effectiveness of the integration.

ZigiOps: The Ideal Jira Azure Pipelines Integration Tool

ZigiOps is a robust integration platform that connects various ITSM, monitoring, DevOps, and CRM systems. It stands out as an ideal tool for integrating Azure Pipelines with Jira due to its flexibility, ease of use, and powerful features.

Benefits of ZigiOps:

ZigiOps offers a no-code interface for setting up integrations quickly and easily, reducing the need for specialized technical knowledge.  It ensures real-time data synchronization between Azure Pipelines and Jira, keeping both systems updated with the latest information.

ZigiOps allows custom field mappings to tailor the integration to your specific requirements, ensuring that the data flow aligns with your workflows. Additionally, the integration tool  provides pre-built templates to accelerate the integration setup, allowing teams to get started quickly and efficiently.

Integration Challenges Resolved by ZigiOps:

When discussing integrations, and especially a comprehensive one likethe Jira Azure Pipelines integration itself, it’s important to also mention the most common challenges that are being resolved. So here are the top 4 Jira Azure Pipelines challenges ZigiOps effortlessly remediates:

  • ZigiOps simplifies complex configurations with its user-friendly interface, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise.
  • Handles large-scale integrations efficiently, ensuring that the system can grow with your projects.
  • Ensures that updates are reflected in real-time, reducing manual effort and errors. This is crucial for maintaining accurate and up-to-date project and development data.
  • Offers extensive customization options to fit unique project needs, ensuring that the integration supports your specific workflows and processes.

Common Use Case for Azure Pipelines and Jira Integration

If your organization uses Jira for managing development tasks and Azure DevOps (specifically Azure Pipelines) for building and testing code, integrating the two can greatly enhance your DevOps workflows.

When pipelines fail, developers need detailed information on the failure, including which pipeline, job, or task failed and at what stage. This information can be automatically transferred to Jira in real-time, ensuring the right team members are informed promptly.

ZigiOps can automatically extract Azure DevOps releases and log them in Jira as issues based on predefined filters. For example, it can create a Jira issue only if a release pipeline is deployed or has a specific status. Advanced filtering allows you to filter by time and state to pinpoint the stage of any job or task failure.

You can check the video bellow for further details:

No-code Azure Pipelines Jira integration via ZigiOps| Set Up

1.ZigiOps set up

To integrate Jira and Azure DevOps Pipelines, start by deploying ZigiOps, available on both iPaaS and on-premises. Installation is quick and straightforward, typically taking about five minutes for on-premises setups. ZigiOps is a no-code solution, so no additional coding is required.

Logging in is simple: enter your username and password to access the platform securely. For more details, refer to the documentation section.

Step 2: ZigiOps Dashboard

Upon logging in, users are taken to the ZigiOps Dashboard. This central hub provides an overview of key details, including the number of active integrations, licenses, and system statuses. It also offers insights such as record counts, essential statistics, and the overall health of your integrations. This centralized information helps users efficiently monitor and manage their integrations for optimal performance.

Step 3: ZigiOps Connected Systems Menu

In ZigiOps, the Connected Systems Menu allows users to easily access and manage their integrations. For instance, to integrate Jira with Azure DevOps Pipelines, click on "Add a new system" to view and select from a comprehensive list of available systems. This feature facilitates seamless integration by providing immediate access to various integration options.

Connecting ZigiOps to Jira and Azure DevOps Pipelines

Connecting to Azure DevOps

Log into your ZigiOps instance.

Go to Connected Systems → Add New System → Azure DevOps and configure the following parameters:

  • Instance Type: Select the type of your instance.
  • Organization/Collection: Enter your organization or collection.
  • Username: Provide your username.
  • Private Access Token: Enter your Private Access Token.
  • Proxy Settings: Enable if using a proxy server.

At the end, click on Save to finalize the configuration.

Connecting to Jira

Log into your ZigiOps instance.

Go to Connected Systems > Add New System > Jira and configure the following parameters:

  • Username: Provide your username.
  • Password: Enter the password for the username or the API Token.
  • Proxy Settings: Enable this if you are using a proxy server.

If all settings are correct, we can click on Save to finalize the connection.

Step 5: Jira and Azure DevOps Pipelines Integration Template

ZigiOps offers a range of pre-defined integration templates that can be used immediately or customized to fit specific needs. Users can also create their own templates if needed.

For the Azure DevOps (pipeline builds) to Jira (issues) integration, select the appropriate template. Define Azure DevOps as the source system and Jira as the destination. Ensure that you specify the entities to be transferred correctly—in this case, logging failed pipeline builds in Jira as issues.

Step 6: Azure DevOps Pipelines to Jira Integration

ZigiOps provides extensive functionalities for managing the integration between Azure DevOps Pipelines and Jira.  

This includes action levels for controlling data flow.

For this integration, ZigiOps is set to extract failed Azure DevOps pipeline builds and log them as issues in Jira.


Integrating Azure Pipelines with Jira creates a seamless DevOps environment that enhances visibility, collaboration, and efficiency. By leveraging the strengths of both tools, teams can automate workflows, improve traceability, and deliver software faster. ZigiOps emerges as a powerful integration tool that simplifies the process, offering no-code setup, real-time data synchronization, and extensive customization options. This integration is a strategic move for companies looking to optimize their software development and project management processes, ensuring a competitive edge in today's fast-paced technology landscape.

Feel free to check out also how ZIgiOps resolves the ServiceNow Azure Pipelines integration.  

And do not hesitate to book a personalized demo session with our tech team – ZigiOps comes with a free trial so companies can experience its capabilities firsthand.

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